Cosmic Rift

CosmicProblems, hardships and complications arise. Stress takes its toll. Pain takes its toll. Emotions may as well make us weaker at times. It may all lead to a sense of disconnection and confusion. It shakes us for the good but we don’t realize it till late. But for centuries, we as a human race have longed for the rainbow after the storm. From the “four seasons” to the “last degrees”, it will come and it will go. Everything is a part of the growth cycle, to make us more stronger and realise the facets of life. Even the negative energies can bring solace; if we just try recognize the rift, keep our patience and see things more clearly. We often skew our thoughts and blur the mind with garbage. The key is to break that loop of the subconcious. Bring the child-like, adamant mind of our’s to a deciplined channel. The mind might still try to wander as its used to the freedom of thought, but once we have control over it, it will eventually give-up and listen. And don’t mistake that the mind is where the head is, it can be anywhere. Its important not to sink-in but to evolve-out. Rather than being within the stress and pain, focus on looking at it from the outside – as a whole. Then, and only then, can we comprehend the root. Visualize the root and melt the pain. Its not easy I know, but do your bit and the rest WILL follow.

The “karmic disciple” said its a time & state of cosmic rift; but its about to progress, teaching the most stringent lessons. It always leaves a gift by the door after it has exited, as thanks for having dealt with the rigors. So there will be a rainbow after-all! Take it in a stride because it will be (has been) an experience – just like a religion, based on faith & tranquility.

Looking at the bigger picture is important, not just for me right now, but everyone else as well. There may be obstacles and people who might try to pull you down (not with any bad intensions I might add, but just following their natural pattern). But the “lakshya” (the aim) has to be attained, so I have to keep walking my mile!