A Stoic's Game Theory

Do not wish that all things will go well with you, but that you will go well with all things. An interesting book that I read last year was 'Enchiridion of Epictetus'. It's based on the discourses of ancient Greek philosopher Epictetus. Recently I read '…

Two Ways to Decision Precision

At times, making a decision is hard. Making good decisions, although subjective, is harder. There have been days when I’ve stood gazing for minutes in the cereal isle, contemplating which one to buy. This “analysis paralysis” had started to silently spread to bigger, more important, personal and professional decisions.…

Will You Take $100 Now or $200 in a Month?

Last month, Professor Andrei Linde, who’s said to be the father of the theory of cosmic inflation, was surprised by his assistant with the ‘smoking gun’ evidence of the origins of the universe. After having waited over 30 years, the new proof (of gravitational waves from the Big Bang)…

The Negative Power of Positive Thinking

Lately, I’ve been focusing on attaining more discipline in my professional life as a startup founder. It had become apparent to me that I needed to step up and make it happen. Striving for it has raised an interesting question in my mind — could positive thinking be delusional at…

How Can Hackers Help In The Fight Against Cancer?

When 1 in 3 [http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/551998] humans are affected by a disease, it needs attention and help from all corners. There are many types of cancers, so it’s hard to say if we’ll ever be able to completely cure cancer. But prevention, early detection…

Someday, Everyone Will Be a Programmer

Over the past few decades, Computer programming has ignited gallons of technological innovation, disrupting one industry after the other. For as long, programming has been a skilled task, a niche profession, art of sorts [https://www.nilkanth.com/2010/03/22/why-writing-software-is-like-engineering/] too. It has also made good programmers [https:…

3 Things I Learnt After High School About Selling

In between high school and university, I sold my first commercial software, a billing application I wrote back then in Pascal for a banquet organizer in the neighbourhood. Those were probably the most satisfying $10 I had earned. It taught the programmer in me some simple yet invaluable lessons in…

The Anti-Social Network

“Do feelings of deprivation drive entrepreneurs and economies?,” asks Rosabeth Moss Kanter [http://blogs.hbr.org/kanter/2010/11/mark-zuckerberg-and-misery-as.html], a professor at Harvard Business School. After watching ‘The Social Network [http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1285016/]‘ one evening this week, I was left with feelings of inspiration and…