VB.NET vs C#

VB.NET vs C#! The fight goes on, even as VB 9.0 and C# 3.0 specs are out. Top 10 reasons VB.NET is better than C# and Top 10 reasons C# is better than VB.NET.…


The .NET LINQ Project (Language Integrated Query) is quite cool as an extension to the .NET Framework to encompass language-integrated query, set, and transform operations on relational data (DLinq) and XML (XLinq). Much like integrated ORM functionality. Also from the Future Versions page: Visual Basic 9.0 Language Enhancements and…

Designing .NET Apps

Some really cool MSDN articles on .NET architecture and performance: Designing .NET Application Application Design Guidelines: From N-Tier to .NET Design guidelines for Class Library developers Performance Comparision: Data Access Technique Improve Webserver’s Performance…

String Enum

Is this a dirty hack or what? Implementing a class to replicate a string enumeration (as by-design enum is numeric only): public class RegLibUDFs { public static string CodeName = "AC"; public static string Version = "AV"; public static string Users = "AU"; public static string CompanyDB = "AB"; public static string LicenseKey = "AL"; public…

Calling Code Dynamically

I’ve never really fancied Interfaces. But its quite surprising to find out that Interfaces are faster for object reference and invocation, as compared to Delegates or .NET Reflection.…


ILMerge can merge .NET assemblies into a single assembly. ILMerge is packaged as a console application. But all of its functionality is also available programmatically. While Visual Studio does not allow one to add an executable as a reference, the C# compiler does, so you can write a C# client…