.NET Tools and BizTalk

A friend from work sent me this list of Companion Tools for .NET development. For anyone into BizTalk (2002 or 2004b), you must checkout the BizTalk User Group. Its a growing community with lots of technical articles, whitepapers, tools?and jobs. I had some training on BizTalk about 1.5…

Faster Managed Code & Self-Installing Service

Jan Gray from the Microsoft CLR Performance Team wrote a while back on Writing Faster Managed Code: Know What Things Cost. A very nice article to read. Craig Andera shows HowTo: Write a Self-Installing Service?(Windows Service). Craig’s?solution is pretty sleek. It?basically involves writing an installer…

Ask a Language Designer

“Have a question about the Visual Basic .NET language? Want to know why the language has or doesn’t have a particular feature? Why something was done in a particular way? Where the language might be going? Just enter your question below and your question will be considered…

Managing Windows Services

It may happen that you wish to connect to and control the behavior of a Windows Service – programatically. There’s a .NET class called ServiceController just to do that. It represents a Windows service and allows you to connect to a running or stopped service, manipulate it, or…

AssemblyDiff Tool

John Lam (iunknown) has developed a small utility that will diff two different sets of assemblies and calculate the diff between .NET v1.1 and v1.2 of the Frameworks. Check it out here ……

Articles at MSDNAA

The following two articles at MSDNAA are?pretty interesting: Use Design Patterns to Simplify the Relationship Between Menus and Form Elements in .NET – In Windows Forms applications, similar commands, such as those in a menu and their counterparts on a toolbar, are not automatically related. They don’t…