XML Resume Library

One of the development teams?at my office recently used the XML Resume Library for a document management project in ASP.NET. Although it was a pilot project for a HR consultancy but?the guys here seem to be appreciating the usefulness of the library. Earlier, we were planning to develop our own custom solution to document management but apparently the time-to-delivery was cut-short by days from using the existing library. The XML Resume Library is an XML and XSL based system for marking up, adding metadata to, and formatting resumes and curricula vitae.

It consists of these components:

  • An XML Document Type Definition (DTD) for describing resumes.
  • Three XSL stylesheets to transform an XML resume into:
  • Web-ready HTML,
  • Print-ready PDF, or
  • Plain, unformatted text
  • RTF transforms (requires third-party software)
  • A targeting filter that allows you to focus your resumes to a particular employer without manually editing your source resume file.
  • Blogging Tip: One may use Google to search weblogs.asp.net. Just type site:weblogs.asp.net after/before the search keywords. Maybe its too obvious.

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