XP SP2, and Smallest Executables

Microsoft tech writers explain in this downloadable document [http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/7/9/879a7b46-5ddb-4a82-b64d-64e791b3c9ae/WinXPSP2_Documentation.doc] (539 kb) some of the biggest changes on tap Windows XP Service Pack 2 — the first beta of which is due for unveiling any day now. [via Neowin [http://www.…

Mono Live!

mo8il [http://www.mo8il.com/]?seems to be one of the first real & live?ASP.NET application powered by Mono [http://www.go-mono.com/]. [Via Miguel [http://primates.ximian.com/~miguel/archive/2003/Dec-09.html]]…

Mystic Microsoft

Spiritual Transformation in the Halls of High Technology [http://www.anandasangha.net/mysticmicrosoft/index.htm] – Kraig Brockschmidt [http://www.anandasangha.net/mysticmicrosoft/AbouttheAuthor.htm], former employee of Microsoft wrote this draft copy for his (new) book. Not sure if its been published yet or not but its very interesting. Its…

ASP.NET Exposed Roadshow and VS.NET Automation Samples

Maybe I’ve mentioned this one before but its worth it!?The creators of ASP.NET are coming to a city near you. This is your chance to receive FREE, in-depth training on Microsoft’s web development platform.?So do go catch the ASP.NET Exposed Roadshow [http://www.asp.…


Joel Spolsky has a very interesting new article on (Software) Craftsmanship [http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/Craftsmanship.html]?where he?rightly?points-out — “Writing code is not production, it’s not always craftsmanship (though it can be), it’s design.” Also, Amit Kalani has written some preparation books for the MCAD…

Web Server Usage Survey and Comparator

Port80 Surveys the Top 1000 Corporations’ Web Servers [http://www.port80software.com/surveys/top1000webservers/] versus Netcraft Web Server Survey [http://news.netcraft.com/archives/web_server_survey.html]. So who’s winning? Vasanth Dharmaraj presents Comparator [http://www.vasanthdharmaraj.com/software/comparator/] – a slick tool (written in .NET, source code…

PDC Content and Multi-direction Treeview Control

FYI, the entire audio/visual content from PDC 2003 is available online [http://microsoft.sitestream.com/PDC2003/Default.htm] (via Microsoft). Also, Sean Gerety [http://dotnetjunkies.com/WebLog/metablog/posts/3841.aspx] has an interesting idea for a multi-direction treeview control (mockup below): [http://dotnetjunkies.com/WebLog/metablog/posts/3841.…

.NET Tools and BizTalk

A friend from work sent me this list of Companion Tools for .NET development [http://www.csharpfriends.com/statics/tools.aspx]. For anyone into BizTalk (2002 or 2004b [http://www.microsoft.com/biztalk/beta/] ), you must checkout the BizTalk User Group [http://www.biztalkug.com/]. Its a growing community with…