Online Income Guaranteed in 3 Steps

There are numerous articles on how to go about earning revenue from your web site or blog. There are several online services and programs that let you monetize from your web site or blog, but for a self-starter it is often hard to make the right choice. So I’…

Vision Ignites the Nation

Courage to think different, Courage to invent, Courage to discover the impossible, Courage to travel into an unexplored path, Courage to share knowledge Courage to remove pain Courage to reach the unreached Courage to combat problems And Succeed, Are the unique qualities of youth. A message from the President of…

Things look different here

Since I had some spare time today, I upgraded the blog app (WordPress) to the latest version 2.0.5. Besides, I’ve also been working on a fresh template/theme for the blog, which is also live now. I hope its more usable and cleaner. There are still…


Paritrana means the act of relieving a conscious entity from the state of distress or pain. “Paritrana“, is coined as the “political party for the Bharat of the 21st century”, backed up by 5 IITians who have shunned elite jobs and fat salaries, and entered into…

Unemployed Overseas Doctors in UK

Indian doctors left jobless in EU-friendly UK: A newspaper has published a photograph of jobless overseas doctors queuing up outside a temple in London for free meals.…