DIY Online Web App Builders

What if the next time you longed for a piece of software to help you do your job, you could simply create the software yourself, in a few easy steps? That’s the promise of some do-it-yourself online web application builder tools, like Coghead [], Dabble DB…

Notepad2 rocks!

My favorite text editor (and also the only tool I use for PHP web application development), Notepad2 [], has recently been updated. I must say that Notepad2 (only 500kb in size) is one of the best text editors for all sorts of text editing.…

Google rains on StumbleUpon

News breaks that eBay is acquiring StumbleUpon [] for $40ish million, and on the same day Google announces that they are building strikingly similar functionality (i.e. serendipitous website discovery) into their Toolbar. Given the timing, Om Malik says this is Google lashing out at StumbleUpon and…

JavaScript Updates in Firefox 3.0a3

John Resig highlights the JavaScript Updates in Firefox 3.0a3 []. I often wonder how promising Firefox has made the “web browser”, which has gradually evolved into a self-contained application host like an operating system. IE might dominate the user-base for now, but Firefox dominates the…

Coolest thing you can do in IE!

Ok, I use IE a bit, although I’m a huge FireFox [] fan, simply because FF kicks some cool Greasemonkey [] a**. But here’s one trick (or a hack if you wanna call it; who know’s if its an easter egg)…

Uni students get Office 2007 for $75

The 1913 Webster defines “cheating” [*&Query=cheating] as: > To deceive and defraud; to impose upon; to trick; to swindle. However, it’s certainly not cheating if you get a really good bargain. Such as the one being offered…

If they were Gzipped, everyone will save bandwidth

What’s common among these websites: Digg, MSN, Orkut, Reddit, Wikipedia, eBay, Blogger and Flickr. Besides being some of the most popular [], they are also prone to the excessive bandwidth consumption. And believe it or not,…