Sample Chapters

Srinivasa Sivakumar has listed more than 500?sample chapters (in HTML/PDF format)?on his resource site,?from various books?related to?.NET. A great resource!…

.NET Framework Class Browser

I find the .NET Framework Class Browser very convinient. It has saved me a lot of time on a daily basis looking for namespaces, classes and interfaces. I remember the commonly used namespaces and their respective classes but information on rarely used namespaces and their classes?is just a click…

Unit Test Your .NET Data Access Layer

Learn how to use NUnit and some related tools for successfully support testing a Data Access Layer for ASP.NET applications. Test driven development (TDD) has grown in popularity recently, especially with the growth of the Extreme Programming (XP) methodology. NUnit is a unit testing tool built for .NET, which…

Web-based Database Administration

Maybe this is old news for some of you guys. Anyways, I’ve been using two such ASP.NET applications which allow remote database administration via a web interface. It’s very useful when you don’t have ready access (specially on client locations) to SQL Server…