Simple Authentication for the Web

Automated email-based password reestablishment (EBPR) is an efficient, cost-effective means to deal with forgotten passwords. Simple Authentication for the Web (SAW) [pdf] improves upon this basic approach to user authentication to create an alternative to password-based logins.…


Who doesn’t get annoyed with those unsolicited messages on mortgage, viagra and other strange medicines in their mailbox? And while, nearly two thirds of all email is spam, and while, between 2005 and 2006, the number of unsolicited e-mails increased 147 percent. And yet, while, US and Taiwan…

OpenID in 5 minutes

Just a quick roundup of OpenID, which I’m sure will have wide-spread acceptance and usage in the user management space for both web-based as well as software applications. OpenID is a decentralized system to verify one’s online identity. On OpenID-enabled sites, Internet users do not need…

Bye Pod? Recover Stolen Devices

Here’s a clever service I stumbled upon during my morning browse. Gadget Theft have setup an online service where you simply register your device (iPods, USB Flash Drives, Digital Cameras and others), and install their agent files in the root of your device. If your device is stolen…

Home Wifi Setup

Yesterday I got a new wireless router, a Billion 7202g (with built-in ADSL modem, router, 4-port switch and wireless AP). I was looking for a good all-in-one wireless pack on eBay and with some local retailers, but couldnt find a good deal. Then last week I got a tip on…


CrypTool is a freeware program which enables you to apply and analyse cryptographic mechanisms. [via Tejas]…

AskTog Bug House

AskTog presents the Bug House which includes the Ten Most Wanted Design Bugs and Bug Hall of Fame.…