dojo Javascript Toolkit

dojo is an open source Javascript toolkit. Checkout the examples/demos (see it in action link). A really cool widget library for web development.…

Open Source 3D

Blender is an open source (free) software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback. Available for Windows, Linux and Mac.…

WordPress Update

I’ve finally updated the blog to WordPress 2.0.4 (latest). I was earlier running version 1.5 with a custom mod of the Orange Sky theme and a couple of plugins. The update process was quite straight-forward (files, database, configuration). No wonder, WordPress is the best blogging…

Shopping Search By Color writes about a cool feature in the shopping space: “It’s great to see companies adding cool, innovative features in the shopping space! First it was Etsy, then it was ShopWiki, now Become has entered the search by color arena.”…


ASP.NET AJAX version 1.0 Beta Released. AJaX is a free framework for quickly creating a new generation of more efficient, more interactive and highly-personalized Web experiences that work across all the most popular browsers.…

A killer feature for e-mail clients

Daniel made an interesting feature request from e-mail service providers (like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail etc.) and e-mail client applications (like Outlook etc). Here’s a killer feature for anyone involved in the development of an email client: When I click send, search the body of the text for words…