SSW Rules to Better

A few days back I got an e-mail from SSW (Sydney based .NET and SQL Consultants), enquiring if I’d be interested in reviewing their Code Auditor product, which is a Regular Expressions based software tool to audit source code. It seems like an interesting product and I’…

Google acquiring Riya?

It’s highly rumored yet unconfirmed, but the buzz is that Google may buy-out Riya, which eventually would make sense for Google to integrate Riya’s photo tagging framework with Picasa or even Google Images.…

Q&A: Riya's Munjal Shah

Q&A: Riya’s Munjal Shah (CEO of – face recognition based tagging and photo search service), on Red Herring Digital clothing and digital items. Already in Korea people are spending $150 million purchasing digital clothing for their avatars [digital images representing computer users] and purchasing…


sodaplay is a wire-frame constructor and simulation modeller to create fluid, lifelike creatures that walk, roll and slink across the screen.…

Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes

Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes. Some great tips there! I seem to be making 4 of the mistakes on my blog: No Author Photo, Nondescript Posting Titles (for some personal posts), Classic Hits are Buried, and Mixing Topics (for the most part besides the regular technology and entertainment…