Joel on Developers and Exceptions

In his latest article, Joel Spolsky refers to the Empower Program for ISVs: “If you’re a software company willing to commit to developing software for any variant of Windows, you can join the Empower Program for ISVs, which entitles you a huge pile of software at the ridiculously low price of $750.” Not to mention, the video of Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer in the advanced stages of ecstatic frenzy chanting the?“Developers” mantra …

It seems like Joel and Ned Batchelder are in?bit of a tussle over a hot topic these days: Exceptions.?There has been a growing debate between the two over exceptions and error handling in/through code. In my opinion, particularly in context of .NET, exceptions provide a structured and object oriented model for error handling which is of extreme relevance, directly or indirectly, right from the development & testing phase to product marketing & acceptance by customers.?Having said that, comments and discussions by two industry experts is enlightening.

BTW, there’s a nice article on?Ten tips for .NET exceptions at CNET. The article is a bit outdated but a good read.

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